
How To Train Your Dragon The Serpents Heir

" Since birth, I've been a dark, coiled dragon trapped in the weak mankind of a man. But that'due south most to modify for me — the son of a dragon. The Serpent's Heir. "
— Calder

The Serpent's Heir is a graphic novel co-written past Dean DeBlois and Richard Hamilton. It was released on February 28, 2017.[ane] This graphic novel takes place mere minutes after the finish of How to Railroad train Your Dragon ii.



Starting right after the events of How to Train Your Dragon ii, the recovery of Berk has started. Whilst Hiccup is introducing Berk to the reader, Snotlout is simply barely clinging onto a delinquent armored Thunderclaw. Hiccup eventually swoops in, with Toothless, and fixes the situation immediately. Gobber eventually catches upward, to detect the armored Thunderclaw. Gobber was getting rid of the dragon armor course Drago'south dragon army. However, when he attempted to remove the armor from this specific armored Thunderclaw, it refused to have it be taken off. Snotlout tried to accept information technology off likewise, believing that he could tear the armor off any dragon, inciting the Thunderclaw on its brief rampage. Information technology turns out this particular Thunderclaw knocked Drago'south prosthetic arm off, and it gets to go along his armor. Whilst this is happening Eret has been knocked down by villagers calling him an outsider, maxim they can't trust an outsider when another had destroyed their dwelling house. This eventually reaches a revolution, with Hiccup having to depict his Inferno sword out.

Up in the Great Hall, Hiccup, the new Main of Berk, is finding it difficult getting the people'due south blessing of him. He nevertheless feels that he needs to gain their trust equally Primary, but before he can dwell on that idea with his mother, Fishlegs comes in with news of a visitor.

People from the island of Nepenthe had come up to Berk in search of help from Stoick. Calder had been sent to Berk by Rex Mikkel the Munificent. However, the Twins are suspicious of him because of his jib. Shortly after a little explaining, Hiccup and Calder are discussing Nepenthe situation. Their island has been plagued past constant earthquakes that grow louder and more noticeable every twenty-four hours. Hiccup agrees to come and help, although Berk is having their ain problems. He appoints Astrid as acting Chief, in which the part is apace given to Gobber as Astrid wants to travel with Hiccup to stop him from getting into any kind of problem.

Presently afterward, the Riders (including Eret and Valka) head off to Nepenthe. They are followed past Tidal Class dragons such as Thunderdrums, Scauldrons, Seashockers and Submarippers who offering Toothless fish equally a tribute to their new Blastoff. Ruffnut and Tuffnut even travel on Seashockers' backs.

Meanwhile on Berk, Gobber is having issues with the Scuttleclaw Hatchlings in his blacksmith, every bit they toy with his equipment and his helmet. Fortunately, Bonesnarl comes onto the scene and takes them in line, and Gobber calls the Thunderclaw a ameliorate acting principal.

Returning to the Dragon Riders, Hiccup sees a huge unknown dragon through his spyglass, but before they could larn more about information technology, they hear a tremor from Nepenthe and decide to go out the dragon for later.

When they finally arrive on the island, Astrid points out that the pools all over the island could exist Screaming Decease pools, even though they are filled with water.

The Riders land just when another tremor happens. After that, Hiccup asks to be taken to their Swell Hall so he could speak with their rex. Much to his surprise, Mik, son of Mikkel prefers to stay in a more "natural" place from where to rule and welcomes Hiccup in an unusual way (for a king).

Hiccup so asks Mik nigh the earthquakes. All the same, Mik says that he's non afraid of them and that Hiccup and the riders would somewhen resolve the trouble. He also invites them to relax in the hot pools.

Meanwhile, Gobber is having problems with waking upwards Grump, he and so asks Bonesnarl to practise his affair. Bonesnarl roars at Grump, waking him up and making him light the forge. Gobber states that he is starting to like Bonesnarl.

On Nepenthe, the Twins, Snotlout and Fishlegs are enjoying a bath in a pool, while Toothless, Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch are enjoying the hot h2o in another puddle. Withal, Stormfly, Skullcrusher, and Cloudjumper don't seem attracted to them. Astrid says that she establish some lines through earth only they are too small-scale for a Screaming Death. Valka also notices that there are no dragons abreast the ones from Berk.

Later that 24-hour interval, the Riders decide to go back to Berk since they didn't notice anything. Mik invites them to a final meal before they render and most of the dragons and Riders accept. Hiccup asks Mik if he hides annihilation merely earlier he could answer he passes out and Calder appears backside him. Soon, all the dragons and riders who ate pass out as well. Eret thinks that the food was poisoned merely Calder explains that there is something in the pools that has a calming upshot on both humans and dragons. Hiccup warns him that three dragons are enough to kill him. Calder says that there is no need for that as he will become a dragon himself. He also invites them to submit to his glory so they could stay live.

That nighttime, the Riders are locked up in a house. Calder pretends to transform into a dragon by putting a costume on and having Inferno in his hand. Hiccup tries to convince Calder that it is impossible that he would ever transform in a dragon, distracting him while Eret frees one of his arms. He punches Calder while Hiccup frees himself with his metal leg. Hiccup escapes during the Riders' diversion and he brings the other dragons and frees his friends.

While the Riders make their escape, six Foreverwings wake up from under the island. They began destroying the village with their lava. Fortunately, Astrid, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut save the people while Valka, Snotlout and Eret make sure that no ane hurts the dragons. Hiccup and Toothless have care of the dragons and information technology isn't until Toothless changes to his Alpha style that the Foreverwings bow to him and then fly or swim abroad.

Suddenly, Calder shows upwardly thinking that the Foreverwings were a sign and that his evolution volition happen presently. Hiccup explains that the Foreverwings were waking up due to the rise of the Blastoff and had naught to do with Calder. Furious at Hiccup's statement, Calder attacks him with Inferno. Hiccup throws a canister of Zippleback gas he had fastened to his leg. The canister explodes on Calder, causing him to fall off a cliff, ablaze. The Riders come to meet what happened and Hiccup says that he is "improve off than The Ophidian'southward Heir".

The adjacent solar day, Hiccup explains to the reader what he had learned from the experience. He gives Mik a shovel then he could start the reparations of the island. The Riders arrive on Berk where they are welcomed by Gobber, who shows them the organised pack of Scuttleclaws. In his house, Hiccup sees the empty space where Stoick'south Axe should have been and remembers his father. He gives a speech outside the Great Hall: telling the villagers that he wants to modify Berk in a better, stronger identify. During his endmost narration, Astrid is seen organizing, Eret is seen making new friends and Hiccup is seen coming up with the programme for Stoick's memorial.

Hiccup subsequently goes inside the Great Hall and sits on his male parent's chair, thinking about something. Toothless sneaks up and jumps on him. Valka also comes and, seeing that Hiccup is tired, suggests that he should get some slumber. Even so, Hiccup says that he first has to rule.


  • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
  • Astrid Hofferson
  • Valka
  • Gobber the Discharge
  • Fishlegs Ingerman
  • Snotlout Jorgenson
  • Tuffnut Thorston
  • Ruffnut Thorston
  • Eret, Son of Eret
  • Mik
  • Calder
  • Drago Bludvist (mentioned)
  • Stoick the Vast (mentioned)

Dragon Characters

  • Toothless
  • Cloudjumper
  • Stormfly
  • Meatlug
  • Hookfang
  • Barf and Belch
  • Skullcrusher
  • Grump
  • Bonesnarl
  • Soaky and Wetty
  • Scuttleclaw Hatchlings


  • Night Fury
  • Mortiferous Nadder
  • Gronckle
  • Monstrous Nightmare
  • Hideous Zippleback
  • Stormcutter
  • Rumblehorn
  • Hotburple
  • Scuttleclaw
  • Thunderdrum
  • Scauldron
  • Seashocker
  • Submaripper
  • Thunderclaw
  • Foreverwing
  • Fathomfin
  • Whispering Death (mentioned)
  • Screaming Death (mentioned)
  • Snaptrapper (mentioned)


  • The tribe begins construction of Stoick'southward monument which ties to the end of How to Railroad train Your Dragon 2.
  • This is the first appearance of the Foreverwing outside of the video games.


  1. How to Train Your Dragon: The Ophidian's Heir TPB. Retrieved Feb 07, 2016.

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